Saturday 6 October 2012

Rock music

Rock music is a type of music that originated from 'rock and roll' in the 1950s and is part of the 'popular music' genre. Rock is mainly based around instruments like the electric guitar, bass guitar and drums. Rock music over the years has divided itself into many different sub-genres with some sub-genres becoming extremely diverse and difficult, meaning musical characteristics in songs cannot be identified as easily as they used to be and also the structure of some songs are really very different now.

The main sub-genres of Rock music is Heavy metal, Pop rock, Punk rock and many more. Most rock music videos are live performance based showing the bands at their live concerts because the atmosphere at them are usually amazing and that is perfect for a video.
The main rock bands now and in the past are Coldplay, Foo fighters, Blink 182, Guns n roses, Radiohead, Kasabian and many more.

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