Saturday 29 September 2012

Richard Ayoade

Richard Ayoade is an English music video director who has starred in the channel 4 comedy I.T crowd so he strong acting career as well as a directing career. He uses both narrative and performance based styles in his videos, in which he tends to keep the camera still in one place for most videos meaning those are live performance based.

He has directed videos for bands not so well known like Super furry animals, The last shadow puppets, Yeah yeah yeahs. Although he has directed 'Florescent adolescence' by Artic Monkeys.

This is a very strange narrative based music video from Richard Ayoade, consisting of a clown and a normal man in a suit who grew up together but in the video end up fighting over some dispute and it ends in the clown blowing up his friend, which is in fact quite disturbing. It is a great video though as the images match the song but the lyrics don't match perfectly but do reflect the images.

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