Sunday 13 January 2013

Daily life and past experiences

My daily life of stumbling across various objects and things has inspired me to use various objects in my stop motion if possible, for example wires and coins.

My past experiences have inspired me to write all my songs, they are not just about love and my exes and their treatment towards me including the deceit and disrespectful behaviour but its about waking up early in the morning waiting for the sun to rise and when it does you feel a warm glow inside of you, which enables you to feel other emotions that you wouldn't normally feel, like a sense of enlightenment.

My experiences can come from doing and seeing random things as well, maybe when walking through the countryside, the rustling of leaves against your shoulder as you walk through the trees or going abroad with mates, having your mates around you in a time of need, all these things can help inspire me to write a song, every song comes after a sort of epiphany, its rather difficult to explain but these are some of the things in daily life and past experiences that have inspired me.

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