Sunday, 13 January 2013

Storyboard: I remember you by Harry Cohen 1

This is a first picture of my first storyboard for my music video, the song I have chosen to make the video for is one of my own called 'I remember you'. As the pictures may be a little hard to read, I will briefly explain the story from each board including the following blogs too. The video will start off in reality with the character (me) walking through a park looking at an old art book, the character then sits down on a near by bench to have a further look at the book and the camera view will start to show him drawing a stickman (mini me) and this is when the stickman comes to life, this will be the starting point of the stop motion. After this hands will come on to the paper screen and clouds will appear as the stickman climbs up them then he looks down on a tree when the old him and his ex are sitting hand in hand, they then slide down the tree onto sand on a beach and he falls off the cloud onto the branch of the trees.
As the couple start to walk across the sandy beach the tree forms a bridge with mini me on top and with a river and the couple underneath, the couple then start to walk over the river and past the bridge and this is where the bridge forms into a kebab shop with mini me on top of a kebab sign and the couple in the doorway kissing and mini me sheds a tear which falls and turns into a heart.

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