Thursday, 17 January 2013

Rap Digipaks and front covers

All CD digipaks are more or less the same, although throughout different genres you get different themes, colours and motifs. In most Rap genre Digipaks I have seen so far have been a lot cooler than Pop ones, with more shiny objects i.e bling, and more street writing and more vibrant colours making the Rap artists look more 'fly' and have more 'swagger'.
The example above is of Devlin's album cover in which is very simple as he is leaning against a brick wall with his 'swagger' looking as if he's just minding his own business. Then the font and font colour works very well, spelling out his name in bold capital letters, which puts emphasis on his name, so it stands out more then the title in more of a handwriting font but still in white which acts as a nice contrast to him wearing all black.
Another example is Drake's album cover of 'take care' which again only has a few colours, but the ones that stand out are black and gold, showing his 'swag' again, showing that he's gangsta especially with all of his chains and again he is minding his own business just looking down, arm crossed like a man who lives off respect from others and its funny how the album title is 'take care' because he definitely is taking care of himself, considering the amount of gold he has there and on him.
The final example of a front cover is Jay-Z's greatest hits, which again mainly uses black and white in a picture that looks like it has been sketched, but this time he is looking 'hard' staring out as if he is staring out at you, whilst his fists are up together, almost head height, making him look like he's up for trouble.
Here is a Digipak of Jay-Z and Linkin Park and as you can see there are 4 panels to it that we can see, including pictures and information as well as track list and it seems like there are 2 CD's.

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