Tuesday 22 January 2013

What my front cover represents

For my front cover I used a dark blue background in which I thought would make me stand out and with the right lighting outline my shape within the dark background. I am then holding the massive heart as it resembles my music video where I give my ex my heart for another chance literally. But I also keep a sense of swagger within the picture as I am wearing my snapback and hoodie, along with an earring that can just about be made out in the picture. I then chose my favourite font for the title and chose orange because I love the colour orange, it stands out well in blue and there's a distinct clash in colour between orange and red which I personally think that the clash works well and I chose that title 'Watching life through music' because I do watch my past experiences and my present life through the music I write and sing and it shows the power and emotion demonstrated in my music.

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