Tuesday 22 January 2013

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Again I think my digipak had some 'real' elements to it when compared to other digipaks within the music industry but it also had some unique elements that I personally haven't seen before but may exist in other digipaks.

My design of digipak is based around many different genres of music, the pictures of me playing on my guitar on the inside of the digipak come from the pictures seen inside digipaks from the singer/songwriter genre e.g Ed Sheeran, Ben Howard etc. The front cover where I look emotional standing there with a massive heart in my hand comes from digipaks of the RnB genre because the emotion shown by RnB artists of the front covers, gave me that inspiration to be able to look sad, e.g Beyonce, Ne-yo etc. Then the clothes I was wearing enabling me to have a certain swagger came from the inspiration from Pop, Rap and Club genre digipaks e.g Chris Brown, Drake and David Guetta and the writing font on the dark background came from the inspiration of the cool looking fonts and colours from digipaks of the Rap genre e.g Jay-Z. These were all my inspirations from various Genres and artists that encouraged me to put these elements in my own digipak.

But I also had my own ideas too, which included the change of eyes in the back from the front because as you can see in the front cover my eyes are open symbolising the emotion and the fact that its the start of the album/digipak, but then in the back cover my eyes are closed showing my pain and the fact that the album is effectively closed because at that point it is the end. I also had the idea of adding pictures from my stop motion around the borders of each page starting from page one (the page after the front cover) all the way to the back cover, this was so readers of my digipak could enjoy a fun, mini spectacle on each page almost like a 'where's Wally' scene, which I thought would look cool and effective, but there's also a difference on each page apart from the pictures themselves being different but the order on each side of each page was different apart from the first where there were four pictures per side but that changes in every page because I wanted to have a bit more uniqueness rather be in order constantly throughout.

For my advert I decided to use the same front cover from my digipak but with one slight change, I moved the word 'music' slightly more to the right in the advert cover just so there would be a little bit of difference between the pictures. I then extended the top and bottom of the picture by adding two black strips in which I placed the text on. On the top strip, there was a comment and rating from well known 'MTV' which would show everyone how good my album really is, five stars. Then on the bottom strip I put that it is my debut album and that it would be released onto Itunes at a certain date. I decided to keep the font and colour the same for the extra information because I thought it would look best and I didn't want to have to big a contrast between colours.

To make my digipak and advert I used the 'Adobe InDesign' software which enabled me to crop and size my own pictures in the border lines, add the perfect text with the perfect colour fill and then it also enabled me to crop and size my stop motion pictures into various sizes to then dot around the border of each page of my Digipak as mentioned above. I also used 'Photoshop' for the advert in order to change the colour of the stars to orange which were originally black, which I got off Google images and to change the colour of the Itunes logo background to black which was originally white.

My digipak corresponds to my music video in the way that the dark background colour of my front cover contrasts well with the light background of the first two minutes of my music video. Then the clothes and the heart represents the clothes that I am wearing in the reality scene and the heart represents the heart from the reality scene that I give my ex. The title of my digipak 'Watching life through music' corresponds to my music video because the animation is showing my life during which my track is played, so effectively it symbolises myself watching my life through my music and then every picture of me performing inside the digipak shows the emotion and depth in my music which represents the power and emotion of my music video. The pictures of me performing in my digipak also reflect the style of music and the genre of my track which is the singer/songwriter genre and this is because most singer/songwriter genre digipaks and albums show the artist performing or singing.

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