Sunday 13 January 2013

Top 10 worst music videos ever made

There are a lot of music videos around, some brilliant, some average and some just so bad you can't even stand to watch it or you just feel like shutting your eyes. But its not always the case that its the song thats equally bad which in turn makes the video bad, it can be an amazing song with a rubbish video.
I know a lot of people may hate me for this but at number 10 its 'eye of the tiger' by 'Survivor', simply because the video doesn't do the song justice, its a brilliant worldwide known song but the video is too simple and poor for such a song. It starts off with the men from the band walking in a 'V' type shape through the streets as if they're really cool when they don't look it, then they start playing in their garage which is okay, its a standard rock/ Pop music video scene, but in front of a flashy golden background is just terrible, it doesn't suit the song or the clothes that they are wearing or even their instruments, poor choice of colour in my opening, so therefore meaning bad mise en scene.
At number 9 its 'big girls' by 'Mika'. Not a lot can be said about this music video and I don't really hate it, it's just one of those videos you could do without ever seeing, a complete waste of time and the song isn't particularly worth hearing either. The video is very simple involving 'Mika' walking through a market street with a bunch of women dressed in flashy dresses dancing around, shocking the random people in the video, it's almost like one of those poorly done soap opera scenes.
At number 8 its 'starships' by 'Nicki Minaj'. I like the song a lot, well I mainly enjoy the chorus because most of her raps are just mumble jumble and don't mean a thing, but those ones where she tries and properly expresses herself, I like. The reason this music video is in my top 10 worst videos chart is because the video is just of her dancing and posing in a mountainous area with a bunch of muscular men and for me it just doesn't suit the video or the lyrics at all, for example at 'twinkle twinkle little star' you would at least expect a star effect maybe, instead she dances in front of many random effects but no star, which is only a minor thing but surely it couldn't have been that hard to add in?
At number 7 its 'you're beautiful' by 'James Blunt'. It is a terrible song, it's just incredibly catchy and that's probably why it boomed the charts for so long or maybe it is a good song, just not my cup of tea, but nevertheless the music video is terrible, he simply sings and strips then dives into the water, what even was the point of making the music video? I mean with the lyrics he has surely he could've had a narrative of some kind but no he opted for man stripping and jumping in ice cold water.
At number 6 is a song that a lot of people older than me love for some strange reason but for me its just a very annoying camp song, it is 'wake me up before you go go' by 'Wham'. Well first of all they have the audience clapping, and not in a good way. The whole video is very camp, especially as most of it is pink or yellow or light blue and why are they wearing shorts that short. It is all very odd and although you can see the video is meant to fun it is most definitely not.
At number 5 is 'wire to wire' by 'Razorlight'. The video is just stupid, the whole video is of the main singer lip syncing whilst holding a match, then the other band members join in with their matches, maybe if the song was called 'fire to fire' but no its not. So I feel they could've done a lot better with their video than that and if you try skipping the video and feel you've missed something out, don't worry because you haven't its just him the whole way through with a matchstick.
Now at number 4 its 'numb' by 'U2'. So what in the world is this music video about, the whole way through it just seems like this man is sitting there or standing possibly whilst getting slowly tortured, slapped, kicked the whole way through and I hate videos like this because what is the actual point? its like U2 ran out of ideas and thought 'well lets just put him there and do things to him', just simply pointless.
Another pointless video that has landed itself a number 3 spot in my top 10 list, it is 'i'm too sexy' by 'right said fred'. It is simply a bald guy showing off his muscles and stating that he is too sexy for everything when clearly he's not, he just thought lets make some money by making a completely ridiculous song.
At number 2 its Vanilla ice's 'stop that train' which is a really wacky video that quite frankly gives me a throbbing headache when watching it because Vanilla ice is placed in front of a screen showing random images, some flashy and some moving fast where most of the time he's just there trying to rap, even though his song sounds like it was made as a joke rap in 'the fresh prince of Bel air' or something like that, so I just can't take it seriously.
Well at number 1 I just couldn't decide between two videos, which one was worse, so I thought i'd start with oldest first, so this is 'teeny weeny string bikini' by 'Gunther'. I'm not entirely sure if this is a joke music video or if it's real because i'm sure its meant to be funny but its not and the girls try to be sexy but end up just looking stupid, no doubt that they are very attractive its just the way they are portraying themselves is very stupid.
In joint number 1 its 'friday' by 'Rebecca Black' which in my opinion has to be the worst song ever made, there genuinely cannot be anything worse than 'friday'. First of all her singing is auto tuned and all her lyrics make her sound like she's one of those people on twitter who tweet every second to let the world know what they are doing for example ' i need to catch the bus', 'need to make up my mind' - why is that even in the song? and its too colourful and unrealistic. Also they don't even drive anywhere they have a found a great picture and sourced in onto the video using a green screen. This video is a complete waste of time.

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